Have you ever been to an official sporting event at which the scoreboard malfunctions? Fans, players, and officials are upset and the game is often stopped to fix the issue. The question is, how can you carry on with the event when you don’t get instant and constant information on important indicators like the score, the remaining time as well as the time remaining, the length of the game or time, penalties and fouls etc. Fans and players will know exactly where they stand in relation to their goals to win the match. Sometimes, both players and fans get information they don’t necessarily like However, at least they are aware of where they stand!

In both business and sports, all stakeholders are interested and must be aware of where they where they stand. Many employees complain that they do not bf spbo get feedback on their performances or the performance of their group or team. They claim that they don’t receive regular feedback regarding the company’s goals and their how they are progressing toward their goals. The scoreboard for sports is a good way to compare the goals for performance of individuals or groups at work.

Why Set Goals in the Workplace?

Setting goals at work can be a powerful method to keep workers and groups of employees on the most important issues. When we set goals that are specific employees gain an understanding of the direction they are heading and an understanding of the goals needed. Goals can help motivate employees to succeed and stimulate the entire team. Engagement and commitment of employees significantly increases when everyone is aware of the mission of their organization as well as their personal goals and how they can contribute to the success of the business. Like the scoreboards in sports goals provides employees with the ability to quickly assess the most important aspects of their job and how well they’re doing.

What are Goals?

A goal is merely an expression of the desired outcomes that we wish to achieve within a specific timeframe. A lot of people confuse ideas as goals. The ideas and goals we have even as valuable as they might be, are simply “wishes” until we take the time to clearly and succinctly note them down and establish an appropriate timeframe to complete them.

A Simple Formula for Setting Goals

In setting goals , we encourage both organizations and individuals to adopt the SMART method. This tried and true method is easy and efficient. The best target is S.M.A.R.T. which is S specific, M – Measurable A-Agreed upon and R-Realistic and T-Target Date for Completion. It is a method to create goals in our family and personal lives and also in our professional activities.

Areas of Goal Setting in Organizations

The challenges and priorities faced by every company differ. But the requirement to constantly enhance customer satisfaction and improve performance remains the same for every organization. The goals that are established should reflect the requirements and priorities of the specific company. Some of the key areas for goals could include the following: safety productivity, quality, performance sales customer satisfaction, employee or personnel relations, communications budgets and expenditures, and other areas.

Commitment to Goals

Managers who are successful involve their employees in setting goals. While the manager is accountable for setting the overall guidelines and priorities the employees have to assume responsibility for setting goals within the guidelines provided. This will encourage employee participation and commitment. Managers who decide on their own to set objectives for employees usually face resistance. Continuous support, feedback and motivation are vital. The leader should maintain constant contact with team members and individuals as well as teammates to ensure progress toward goals is maintained. Goals should be periodically reviewed to ensure they’re relevant in today’s rapidly changing world. If conditions change, goals might require adjustment or new ones established.